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Latvian IT Cluster DIH receives the silver BDVA i-Space label

In the recent EBDVF 2023 conference on October 25th in Valencia, Spain, the new BDVA i-Spaces labels were awarded, celebrating the constantly improving European data innovations and the hubs and initiatives that lead them. We were honored to receive the silver label and present our Latvian IT Cluster DIH on the conference’s stage.

As put by the Big Data Value Association, the driving force behind the label, an i-Spaces are “cross-sectorial and cross-organisational innovation hubs that bring together data sources, AI technologies, competences and all the technical and non-technical aspects needed to allow SMEs and start-ups to get their data-driven and AI-related services, products and applications quickly tested, piloted, and exploited”. Thus, the label welcomes us in like-minded community, not only showcasing our quality in the local data-driven and AI-based scene, but also gives an opportunity to tackle these topics with partners throughout Europe.

This is the second time we’ve applied for the label, and we’re pleased to see our growth from the bronze to silver label. The award was presented to our Head of Digitalisation Ilze Raudina.


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