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Georgia – market insights and opportunities.

On March 2nd, 2021, AUMENTA project team collaborated with Gateway & Partners to organize online webinar “Georgia – market insights and opportunities”. With aim to inform interested SME’s (SMALL and MEDIUM ENTERPRISES) about possibilities and trade overview in Georgia, as well giving insight on ITC industry newest trends.

First presenter, Martins Tiknuss, managing partner of Gateway & Partners, explained export support options that company offers, and first steps that are very useful and need to be done when starting to expand your business abroad. Continuing useful tips and tricks on Georgia export market, Gateway & Partners Georgia CEO Gvantsa Meladze, emphasized on what is important on doing business with Georgians, explaining ITC industry and newest trends. As few of the many pros on doing business in Georgia Gvantsa Meladze mentioned: “There is an emerging ICT community in Georgia that is ready to reach EU markets. Attractive and free business environment makes doing business in Georgia easy. Georgia has its strengths in cloud computing, database activities, process optimization, software development, technical support and hardware development. Of course, there are ICT sector weaknesses, but they are being improved day by day.”

This was first online workshop organized by AUMENTA, and it will be followed by similar webinars about other target countries Morocco and Uruguay. Project AUMENTA goal is to speed up network internationalization of food, ICT Industry and SMEs from projects participating countries towards strategic third countries beyond Europe in field of emerging industries and Fast Moving Consumer Goods. By widening borders project partners hope that the project will create new long lasting and qualitative collaborations and increase export in Georgia and other target markets.

Project is co-funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.

* The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.


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