Latvian IT Cluster has been awarded Silver Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative, thus becoming one of 3 internationally certified clusters in Latvia and the only one with the Silver Level recognition. Cluster management and governance and its level of development is evaluated during the certification process and it is benchmarked against the industry’s best clusters in Europe. After the assessment recommendations are provided to further improve the operations of cluster. The Silver Label certificate is a quality label and it opens new opportunities for international clusters collaboration. Latvian IT Cluster underwent the certification process within the COSME programme’s project “Five for Cross-industry Value Chain Excellence” (5FOREXCELLENCE) that is co-financed by ERDF. Clusters from Latvia, Estonia and Sweden underwent an audit conducted by an assessor of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative and as a result three clusters have renewed or received for the first time their Bronze Label certificates but Latvian and Estonian IT clusters both have received Silver Label certificates. As of now there are three certified clusters in Latvia – Latvian High Added Value and Healthy Food Cluster (bronze level), Latvian Logistics Cluster (bronze level) and Latvian IT Cluster (silver level). Cluster Excellence Initiative was introduced as a part of EU efforts to create world-class cluster movement across EU. Strong clusters can promote economic growth through leveraging the innovation and business potential of a region. A professional cluster management can contribute to such a development through projects and services that tap into the cluster's potential. The European Cluster Excellence Initiative, initiated by the European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry, developed methodologies and tools to support cluster organizations to improve their capacities and capabilities in the management of clusters and networks.