Latvian IT Cluster and STARTUP3 Accelerator consortium virtually
organizes discovery mission: Latvia and Baltics on June 16th, 2020, regarding topic startup and cluster ecosystems.
In this webinar session take a deeper look on startup and cluster ecosystems in Baltic states. Both have proven its strength by being a great support mechanism in times of crisis by exchanging the practice between various industries and bringing new innovations.
Discovery mission's webinar will illuminate startup and cluster ecosystems in Baltic countries by giving experience and success stories from webinar speakers. Due to Covid-19 crisis a lot of changes has been brought into ICT sector, therefore right now it is important to focus on closer and cross-border collaboration and knowledge exchange. This can create extra speed for technological development and raise the digital maturity level. Digital leadership can force changes to become more innovative, smart and meaningful not only for businesses, but also for society.
Both, startups and clusters, are communities who provide wide range of opportunities by being a part of many European projects and holding the knowledge of corporate . These ecosystems are based on collaboration, people engagement and innovations. To learn more and deepen the knowledge, here is the agenda in two blocks:
10:50 Registration
11:00 Greeting and introduction // Latvian IT Cluster
11:05 Baltic startup scene review // Edgars Ozolins-Ozols, Digitalization Team Lead at the Ministry of Economics of Latvia
11:20 Current offers and opportunities for startups // Agnese Veckalne, Member of the Board at Startin, Head at Edurio
11:35 Fostering startup ideas in a corporate environment // Experience story
11:45 Fostering startup ideas in a corporate environment // Experience story
11:55 Discussion: Q&A
13:20 Registration on Zoom
13:30 Greetings and introductions // Latvian IT Cluster
13:35 Discovering Baltic clusters: Latvia // Armands Lejas-Krumins, Chairman at Latvian Cluster Network
13:45 Discovering Baltic clusters: Estonia // Doris Pold, Cluster Manager at Estonian ICT Cluster
13:55 Discovering Baltic clusters: Lithuania // Giedrius Bagusinskas, Chairman at Lithuanian Cluster Network
14:05 Cluster internationalisation experience story // Evija Pudane, Managing Director at Cleantech Latvia
14:15 Open mic for clusters
14:40 Discussion: Q&A
Webinar will be held in English.
Time zone: EEST, UTC+3
This webinar session is part of STARTUP3 Accelerator project which focuses on building and facilitating an open and collaborative ecosystem for high impact deep-tech innovators and corporations and acting as a cross-border/sectoral market-maker. It has been awarded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.