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Atklāta pieteikšanās World Summit Award 2019

Ir atklāta pieteikšanās World Summit Award 2019 konkursam. Tas ik gadu apbalvo labākās pasaules radītās lietotnes, kas rada pozitīvas pārmaiņas sabiedrībā:

Informācija par konkursu angļu valodā:

WSA is opening its call for applications on April 1st, 2019!

Submissions for WSA 2019 can contain all digital content applications with a clear impact on society, such as: apps, webpages, applications for wearables, kiosk installations, SMS based products, mobile and online games and interactive productions. There is no limitation regarding the platforms or channels the projects work with. Important: No beta versions or prototypes, the solutions already need to prove some relevance and impact. BUT the solution should also not be older than 2 years, and if so – there needs to be a major new development or improvement within the past 2 years. 1) WSA 2019 TIMELINE: April 1 – July 31, 2019: WSA call for nominations August 2019: Online Jury Sept/Oct 2019: Grand Jury Meeting (tbc) March 9-11, 2019: WSA Global Congress and Winners Ceremony in Vienna, Austria 2) CATEGORIES 2019 Please find all categories here: 3) USEFUL LINKS The call for nominations is open from April 1 to the July 31. Rules & conditions:

Please spread the call to your network, collect all eligible projects and select a maximum of 1 nomination/category. You are more than welcome to select a panel or team to work with you on the WSA independently. Once you have your selection of nominations, please enter the contact details of the producer into our online database. Please don´t forget to explain why you chose the product under “Reason for nomination” as this will help the jury members.

BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATION: 4) WSA DATABASE LOGIN: We will send you your WSA Database login next week!

5) MARKETING MATERIAL AND SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: WSA office has prepared some marketing material to support you on your local call:

We did our best to adapt the templates in Spanish, French and Arabic- but please double check. J

6) COMMUNICATIONS: Please let us know about success stories, news etc. regarding you, your national WSA initiative or your winners. We are happy to promote! 7) WSA YOUNG INNOVATORS

Please feel free to also communicate The WSA Young Innovators call – the open call for young entrepreneurs tackling the UN SDG’s with digital solutions.

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