IKT uzņēmumi, kurus interesē Āzijas tirgus (Singapūra un Taizeme), aicināti piedalīties EU Gateway | Business Avenues programmā, lai no 17.-22.jūnijam dotos iepazīt iespējas minētajos tirgos.
Vairāk informācijas zemāk:
Are you interested in exploring markets beyond the EU borders? Would you like to find relevant business partners in South East Asia?
If you are new or unfamiliar with the market, a guided approach greatly helps. It’s a good reason to apply to participate in EU Gateway | Business Avenues, an EU-funded Programme with a strong track-record, extensive business support network and over 20 years’ experience in helping high potential European companies enter and succeed in Asia.
The Programme is organising a Business Mission to Singapore and Thailand. This mission will happen from 17-22 June 2019, and aims supporting Information and Communication SMEs accelerating their international development.
Why should you consider Singapore and Thailand?
Singapore and Thailand are both heavily invested in an effort to make their smart nations even smarter. Singapore’s ICT Master Plan 2025 and Thailand 4.0 have opened further opportunities for European ICT companies to gain ground in two countries that are highly receptive to quality offers and better solutions for the market.
How will you benefit from participating?
Selected European companies will get benefit from a range of business support services, which include market briefings, coaching and targeted business matching. The European Commission will also fund their participation in CommunicAsia, giving them the chance to exhibit their products/services and conduct one on one meetings with potential clients and partners. The Programme also invests in local promotion efforts which target highly relevant Korean partners. To get a view of how our companies are promoted in Korea, click here.
European companies operating in the Information and Communication Technologies sector are invited to express their interest to participate. The general eligibility criteria is defined here.
Interested parties may visit the programme website, www.eu-gateway.eu, or email Francois Marie at francois.marie@eu-gateway.eu.