The European Commission has signed grant agreement with the five-partner consortium, where Latvian IT Cluster is lead partner, for funding five Clusters of cross-sectorial co-operation Project: „Five for Cross-
industry Value Chain Excellence" or "5FOREXCELLENCE" implementation, in the frame of European Union's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) competitiveness program "COSME".
The Project implementation started on 1st of January 2016 and its duration is 18 months. The Project's overall aim is to develop sectorial Cluster management excellence, for clusters, who are involved in this Project.
The specific objectives related to the Project realization:
Improve the management of Clusters which involved in the Project;
Strenghten Clusters in order to develop more professional services at the participating SMEs;
Develop Clusters of inter-industry cooperation;
Update Cluster management excellence approach, also other sectors, which aren’t involved in this project.
Project budget:
Grant amount: EUR 236,944.25
Total budget: EUR 249,415.52
Lead partner:
Latvian IT Cluster
Project partners:
NetPort Science Park (http://www.netport.se/)
Estonian Association of Information Technology and (https://www.itl.ee/Eng)
Vidzeme planning region (http://www.vidzeme.lv/en/about_vidzeme)
Latvian Logistics Association (http://lla.lv/en/home-2/)
In the frame of this Project will be carried out involved cluster management evaluation and training for Cluster coordinators, which will be led by foreign experts. Also within the project, under the expert guidance, will be identified and planned new/improved services for clusters, will be organized Clusters experience sharing workshops and an international conference, and also will develop the Cluster management excellence strategy.
The significant value of Project will be involved management of clusters increasing and new services development, which in long term will allow to work more efficiently and achieve better results. Also, a very important innovation of the project is cross-industry (food, logistics and IT) cooperation development, which will allow develop innovative approaches in food, logistics and IT solutions.
This article is part of the project Five for Cross-industry Value Chain Excellence — 5FOREXCELLENCE, which has received funding from the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020).
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