The BELT project creates new joint Central Baltic companies and cooperation between start-ups in the Central Baltic region. The project develops joint and cooperating business opportunities under the theme of “Smart City”, which is a priority at the EU-level and many regional innovation policies to support cross-sectoral smart innovations. BELT strives to attract entrepreneurship-oriented, already experienced and talented students as well as potential start-ups to the project incubator activities through relevant networks, platforms and university road shows in the partner locations. BELT organizes joint business development BootCamps and coaching for students and start-ups to develop and commercialize their business ideas and to look for additional team members across borders. Additionally, a coaching network will be created to offer business coaching for the established joint teams and best co-operating business ideas from the BootCamps to help them find seed funding for their businesses. The project will result in at least 5 joint and 10 co-operating knowledge intensive enterprises. The project will support 30 new knowledge intensive enterprises in the Central Baltic region.
Total project budget 1.101.851,33 € Total ERDF support: 843.907,25 € Lead partner: The Baltic Institute of Finland, Tampere, Finland Project partners: New Factory Ltd., Tampere, Finland Norrköping Science Park / Demola East Sweden, Norrköping, Sweden Latvian IT Cluster / Demola Latvia, Riga, Latvia Laurea University of Applied Sciences/Spinno Enterprise Center, Vantaa, Finland Associated partners: Tampere Region Economic Development Agency Tredea, Tampere, Finland The City of Tampere, Tampere, Finland Jūrmala City Council, Jūrmala, Latvia
Info about project: https://www.facebook.com/projectbelt/