Latvian IT Cluster takes part in the Nordic-Baltic Mobility and Network Programme for Business and Industry 2009-2013
As clusters are considered to be a key element for driving innovation and thereby for strengthening entrepreneurship and European competitiveness, this project was the driving force for development of the cooperation among the Latvian Information Technologies Cluster member companies and other clusters, as well as related organizations in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. The mission of the project was to facilitate exchange of experience and development of knowledge that would enhance the promotion of cluster initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR).
The project was considered as a continuity of the BSR InnoNet project, started in September 2006, aimed to help the BSR become a front runner in creating environments for innovation and cluster development. Latvian IT Cluster manager Lilita Sparane, as a member of the Work Package 3-Practitioners and the ICT Pilot project, established very good network relations with the partners from Nordic countries, and that gave an opportunity for the Latvian IT Cluster member companies to expand their business linkages in Nordic.
This project promoted and ensured better understanding of how cluster mechanisms work in Nordic countries, how Triple-Helix systems are developed.
Until the end of the project in March 2010 four trips for more than 15 Latvian IT Cluster members to Denmark, Sweden, Finaland and Norway were made.
About the Nordic-Baltic Mobility and Network Programme for Business and Industry:
Programme gives financial support to different stakeholders in the fields of business and industry to carry out study visits, internships, on the job training or network and cluster facilitating activities in Baltic or Nordic countries, as appropriate, with the aim to strengthen cooperation within the priority areas of the programme.
The programme is for the years 2009-2010 administered by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia (the management body).
The programme is established for the period 2009-2013 to promote and strengthen economic cooperation, entrepreneurship and innovation opportunities in the NB8 countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden). The overall goal is to increase the global competitive power of the region.
The purpose of the programme:
Promotion of regional business development and cluster cooperation;
promotion of networking cooperation on innovative projects;
experience exchange on best practices in respect of business practice, business culture and business ethics as well as harmonisation of rules and standards, particularly in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);
coordination of joint Nordic-Baltic utilisation of different EU funds and project finansing;
technology transfer for mutual benefit;
support of long term activities.